Monday, March 28, 2011

Paint Your Room Online with Any Colors You Like

There are so many ways you can edit your photos using Photoshop. In case you are scratching your head to paint your beautiful rooms in your house, you can choose Colorjive which is a perfect tool to paint your room virtually online with any available colors you like.

Think of its virtual brush like a paint with thousands of colors to choose from, you don’t have to wonder whether it is a good idea to paint your kitchen, toilet, bed room, and so on with the suitable color you like. You can test it with just few clicks to get some inspirations and samples. After that, you can decide whether you want to implement to paint that color in real life if you are satisfied with it.

You can try Colorjive straight away without registering. If you would like to save a picture that you have painted, you’ll need to register for a free account. Then, that’s when premium account comes in will let you easily redo your entire house.

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